Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Bean's first Halloween

Cool Halloween outfit from Grandma & Grandpa

Dressed up at Gymboree

Cousins on Halloween

Cuteness overload!

Bean Love!

I purchased a baby book some time ago and it has been sitting beside my computer ever since (and is completely blank); our little Bean is almost 3 months old and I have yet to capture any of her adventures.  SO, instead of pretending that one day I'll sit down with the baby book and remember everything, I've decided to start capturing her first days/months/years in this blog.  Since we're three months into this journey already I'll start with a catch up of her first 90 days, beginning with her first day and ending with her first Halloween...

Grace Elizabeth was born on August 5th at 4:29am, she was 7lb 8oz, 20 inches.  Her delivery was a little dramatic...Mummy and Daddy were so relieved when she finally arrived!

In her first 3 months Grace has grown into a beautiful, happy little girl.  Her third month has been the most transformative.  She can now almost hold her head up entirely on her own, she's aware and curious about everything around her and she has become quite the little TV bug (parent fail or survival?)  She had two major accomplishments at twelve weeks:  she started sleeping through the night (7.5-8 hour stretches) and she now happily gulps down a bottle.  These both make for a very happy Mummy!

Grace is a very smiley little lady (especially when she is on her change table ???) She especially loves her baths, dancing with her Daddy and cuddling with her Mummy.  We are so in love with her and we cannot wait for the adventures that lie ahead for our family.


First few minutes of life

Going home

Cozy in beautiful bassinet that Grandad made (2 days old)

Chilling out...it was hot! (6 days old)

Cuddling with Mummy (almost 2 weeks old) 

Picnic at Trinity Bellwoods Park (almost 4 weeks old)

One month old (not quite sure...)

Two months old and loving it (visiting Granny and Granddad)

Gymboree - I love my teacher, Angela (12 weeks old)